COVID-19 Update

The Pines Senior Living remains committed to the health, safety and well-being of our residents, employees, families and the community. Our number one priority is to protect our residents and staff from COVID-19 and its variants. The policies that we have put into place have proven to be effective in mitigating the risks associated with COVID-19. These include:
6 feet social distancing
Mandatory face coverings / PPE for staff
Hand hygiene
Temperature and exposure screenings for all visitors
Universal precautions
Increased daily sanitation of high-touch areas
Hand sanitizer stations

We have been closely monitoring the CDC, DOH, and DHS for daily guidance and will adjust our protocols to ensure resident safety. PrimeCare Pharmacy in Scranton has provided vaccines and boosters for employees and staff. The data are showing a dramatic decline in COVID-19 cases and deaths since vaccines have become available, however this does not mean that precautions are no longer necessary.
Note: wearing a mask is still required when working and visiting at The Pines, even if vaccinated.

Updated 7/20/2022
We welcome family and friends to visit within the facility and need your cooperation with the following guidelines to keep our residents and their guests safe. We too value family time and truly understand the benefit of socialization- all while following the required safety directives.
The Pines Senior Living is still requiring visitors to wear masks to enter the facility. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
We will continue to screen all visitors for temperature, question them about symptoms as well as potential exposure to COVID-19, and observe for signs of infection. If you are experiencing any symptoms prior to your visit, please reschedule for a time when you are feeling well.
Please schedule your visit in advance of your arrival with our Front Desk at 570-587-7709. We may need to limit the number of visitations per day so it is important to schedule in advance so that we can be sure to accommodate everyone.
Visitations are available daily from 9 am to 7:30 pm. Please make sure you are accommodating the meal times of the resident you are visiting
All visitors must report to the main entry prior to the visit and sign in.
Please limit visitors to 2 adults and 1 child (12 years and younger).
We ask that guests visit only with the resident they scheduled to visit and refrain from visiting other residents or staff and other parts of the building.
Weather permitting, please enjoy our outdoor seating areas
Dining at The Pines is currently only available for residents. Guest may bring their own food and dine with their loved-ones in their room, in private dining or on our patio – weather permitting

Due to the surge in COVID cases the following temporary guidelines for outings are in effect:
*Medical appointments- no restrictions
*Family outings- a 5 day quarantine may apply given the circumstances. Please check with our Director of Wellness, Megan.
We still advise that residents continue to practice all safety measures with masking, social distancing and hand hygiene while on the outing.
Vaccinated Residents:
Residents may leave the campus for the day for outings with family. We ask for advance notice of any planned outings so we can prepare any items the resident may need, such as medication, while the resident is out of the building. No quarantine is required upon return. We still advise that residents continue to practice all safety measures with masking, social distancing and hand hygiene while on the outing.

Visitation is not available for the following residents during any of these circumstances:
Unvaccinated residents, if county positivity rate is greater than 10%
Any COVID-positive residents, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, until they have been confirmed recovered
Residents in quarantine, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, until they have met criteria for release from quarantine

The Pines may need to suspend visitation based on infection rates within the facility as well as the county.

We know you may have questions and we encourage you to contact us by phone or email at 570-587-7709.

Stacie Millett Rechlicz, RN, BSN, MHA